Audi Museum Mobile
"Mobility of change - is a time-stream, arising from images, from streams of consciousness and is an echo of the historical voices. It bridges the dialog with the past to the future. How does time move? How do we move time? What moves us and the time? Time is generated from the memories, coming from the vault of stunning moments, leaves open space for a new perception in the future."
The 14 minutes movie shows the history of Audi and is the starting point for the visitors of the Audi Museum Mobile in Ingolstadt, Germany. It is brought to life by 5 projectors on an 180 degree panorama wall, which has the monumental size of 30 meter length and 4 meter height.
Client: Audi
Production: velvet mediendesign gmbh
Director: Matthias Zentner
Creative Director: Thomas Wernbacher
Animaton and Design: Janett Bergner, Daniel Schmidt, Markus Feder and Thomas Wernbacher
Executive Producer: Oliver Loessl
Compositing: Lene Honigschmid, Christian Reimann, Rayk Hemmerling
Edit: Jochen Kraus
Color Correction Resolve: Florian Wolf
Full credits and detailed project description in english or german.
These stills are from some of the sequences I was working on.

Inside the video installation: